Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Can I really change the world?

I can't learn enough this summer!  I have been listening to podcasts while doing all of the jobs that I put off during the school year and reading tons of blogs every night.  Last week I was listening to Larry Jacobs on Education Talk Radio, or perhaps it was when I was creeping on the Teach Like A Pirate chat on Twitter (#tlap), when someone mentioned that Ron Clark's book The End of Molasses Classes changed his life.  I went straight to the local university's library to order it and Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess (@burgessdave) through an interlibrary loan. I picked up The End of Molasses Classes today and I can't put it down. 

I read the first 20 solutions that Mr. Clark offers and decided I should call it a night, but I wanted to tweet about how much I love it and how it reminds me that I have so much growing to do as a teacher.  I have 11 years under my belt, but there is always room for improvement.  I got into teaching to change the, am I? 

Then....I got sucked into Twitter (I hadn't been on there all day!).  I saw that Dan Meyer had posted about Kate Nowak (@k8nowak) writing something, so I immediately read it as I do most anything he suggests.  I totally agreed with everything she said so I automatically became her newest follower.  Then, I scrolled down a little farther and he had tweeted about the Gathering of the High Council of the Math Teacher Bloggers.  My first thought was "how does one get into that group?"  And then I thought "one would probably  have to keep their blog up to date, Lisa!"  I read his post and it was like he was talking right to me.  I need to contribute more to my PLN because that's what I want my community to be.  I am on Twitter daily.  I read hundreds of educational blogs every week, but reply to very few.  I haven't updated my own since April.  I have valuable things to contribute, but I don't.  I rarely tweet.  I lurk around several chats on Twitter, but rarely participate. 

Why?  I am not sure about this.  I know I have things I can contribute and I feel completely comfortable with the people in the chats.  Everyone is so kind and encouraging.  When I do participate, I walk away feeling great about myself and giving back to the educational community.  I simply need to actively participate more.  That's it.  Participate the way I would want others, or students in my classroom, to participate.  Be kind.  Be gracious.  Be honest.  SHARE!!

Thank you to Kate Nowak and Dan Meyer for the inspiration to start doing more online!  Thank you to Ron Clark for reminding me to MAKE IT HAPPEN!   The combination of your writings fit perfectly together for me tonight; I will change the world!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa! I'm looking forward to reading what you have to say. I'd add a minor corollary to all your comments: don't put too much pressure on yourself. You can't pay attention to everything or you will go nuts. With experience, you'll learn who speaks to you, your filters will pop into place.
