Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Learning by Leading a Training

Today I was the leader of an "Introduction to the iPad" professional development in a neighboring community. I believe it was a learning experience for all of us. I learned that I should ask more questions before I arrive. Some things I thought that other people would have taken care of before a training on iPads hadn't happened when I arrived. I am not blaming anyone, except myself; I should've reminded my connection at the school of the details that would make an "Introduction to iPads" training meaningful for the teachers. For example, it would have been more meaningful if everyone had an iPad and their iTunes account set up on it.

I think the teachers still learned a lot about the iPads and got some ideas of ways to use them in the classroom. I think the experience also reminded them what it's like to have to share a piece of technology with a small group of people. One participant told me after the training that she now remembers how students feel when we introduce totally new concepts. She was feeling overwhelmed and like she had so much to learn. I assured her that it's normal to feel that way, and that it's ok to go slow and take baby steps. I will remember to stress this point more in my next training!

Overall, the participants were great and I really enjoyed the experience. I will remember what I learned today as I prepare the final details for the next training that I lead....which is for a group of new teachers on Friday!

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